people are currently experiencing a mental health condition.
Superfriend, 2018, Indicators of a Thriving Workplace
Practical step by step ideas, tips and suggestions to help employers of different sizes prevent mental injury and create a safe and mentally healthy workplace. Use tools, templates and resources to focus on work-related factors that impact mental health and learn good practice. Check out the full range of topics on the Toolkit.
Developing a mental health and wellbeing strategy allows workplaces to have a clear vision. It provides the overarching framework that guides policy direction and structure for initiatives to build thriving and supportive workplace environments.
A mental health and wellbeing strategy helps organisations to proactively invest, monitor and improve mental health and wellbeing. The strategy should sit alongside your existing organisational objectives, targets and actions.
Melbourne University, 2014, Workplace prevention of mental health problems
people are currently experiencing a mental health condition.
Superfriend, 2018, Indicators of a Thriving Workplace
of employees believe their productivity would increase within a mentally healthy workplace.
Superfriend, 2018, Indicators of a Thriving Workplace
A mental health and wellbeing strategy provides the framework for preventing and managing a variety of physical and mental health issues, providing employees the opportunity to thrive in their job.
Best practice mental health and wellbeing strategies adopt an integrated approach including preventing harm to mental health, promoting good mental health, early intervention and supporting recovery.
Organisations differ in size, staff needs, organisational goals, and possible risks. A tailored mental health and wellbeing strategy that addresses your specific workplace needs is essential. One size will not fit all.
To clearly identify your workplace needs, engage employees and leaders from across your organisation in the process.
For further information on building a mental health and wellbeing strategy, Beyond Blue has a helpful resource which is available below.
A mental health steering committee is one way to make sure the mental health and wellbeing strategy is driven and led by the senior leaders in your organisation. This will help embed the initiatives into every day practice. The committee can include individuals in senior management positions and from strategic areas of the organisation such as human resources, workplace health and safety, communications, and leaders responsible for operational areas. If you've already developed a business case, you may want to engage the same team or think about any additional expertise you may need.
Things to consider:
If you have completed a business case for addressing workplace mental health, you have already identified some specific organisational needs in mental health and wellbeing, based on your workplace insights. This will help decide the appropriate actions or programs to ensure you have successful outcomes.
Visit page 18 to 21 of the below resource from Beyond Blue for guidance on what to include in a situational analysis. Use key insights and your business case to identify what your organisation is currently doing well and what it can improve.
Now that you have completed your preparation, it's time to start pulling everything together into a complete mental health and wellbeing strategy. This process may take some time, but to help you get started, there is a template below that you can build on. Make sure you engage with your employees at every step during the development of your strategy. Consider whether you have the skills within your organisation to develop this strategy, or whether you need support from external experts.
Move your mental health strategy off the page and into the workplace. To keep your mental health and wellbeing strategy moving forward, think about some of the actions and resources required to make this happen. Identify and start implementing 2 or 3 key actions you can take. Consider the following for some ideas:
Organisations have a wealth of existing data that can be used to create mental health and wellbeing baselines for setting objectives and targets. Exploring access to data within your organisation can assist in establishing performance indicators that can be measured. Exploring a baseline and performance indicators will allow your organisation to monitor and evaluate the ongoing performance of your mental health and wellbeing strategy.
Performance indicators may be made up of lead indicators (predicting future mental health and wellbeing) or lag indicators (a record of past mental health and wellbeing). In your evaluation plan, consider including both lead and lag indicators.
Lead indicators may include:
Lag indicators may include:
The resource below from the Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research (ISCRR) has more information on lead and lag indicators. See the description on page 10 and the examples on page 11 in Table 1 to help you establish your baselines and set occupational health and safety performance indicators.
WorkWell supports leaders to create safe and mentally healthy workplaces. Access the WorkWell Toolkit for step-by-step tools tailored to your business size, or subscribe to the WorkWell newsletter to stay up to date and receive support direct to your inbox!
The WorkWell Toolkit is proudly developed by WorkWell.
Disclaimer: The WorkWell Toolkit provides general information only. Please consider your specific circumstances, needs and seek appropriate professional advice.