Everything about working alone in one place.
How to identify and control risks when working alone.
Often people are working alone on farms in Victoria. Reduce the risk with strategies to stay safe while working alone.
The NSW Government’s Family & Community Services document. It provides information and practical scenarios to identify and manage the risks of working alone or in isolation in a workplace.
Working alone, remotely or in isolation work policy template.
How to reduce and manage risks associated with working alone or in isolation.
Friday 28 February 2025
WorkSafe is issuing a reminder about the importance of ensuring farm machinery is correctly maintained and the importance of training when acquiring new or second-hand powered mobile plant.
Wednesday 24 July 2024
WorkSafe has charged a Keysborough warehousing and logistics company and its sole director following the death of a delivery driver in August 2022.
Monday 04 September 2023
The idea that a serious incident won't happen to experienced farmers can be common in agriculture, but after responding to dozens of farm emergencies, paramedic Jess Shepherd wants farmers to know everything can change "in the blink of an eye."