Work-related sexual harassment reporting pathways in Victoria

Ways the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) and WorkSafe can help you.


If you need assistance

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)

If you would like support from an interpreter, you can contact us using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).

National Relay Service (NRS)

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech or communication difficulty please contact us by:

Step 1 - Contact us through your preferred NRS call channel detailed on NRS call numbers and links.

Step 2 - Provide the NRS with our phone number 1800 136 089.

More information about the National Relay Service.

General information

This information is a guide for employees in Victoria that gives general information only about sexual harassment reporting options and processes within VEOHRC and WorkSafe.

It doesn’t provide information about reporting options that might exist within your own workplace, which you may want to consider first. Your workplace may have Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs). HSRs are there to support employees when reporting hazards in the workplace.

Accessing VEOHRC or WorkSafe:

  • All services through VEOHRC or WorkSafe are free to access.
  • During a call or meeting with us, both VEOHRC and WorkSafe can arrange a free interpreter, including Auslan interpreters.
  • You can access services from either or both VEOHRC and WorkSafe depending on your needs.

For specific information about each organisation’s ability to help you, please contact us:


Phone: 1300 292 153


Phone: 1800 136 089


For information about other help outside of Victoria you may wish to contact:

This guide is not legal advice. To understand your options, you may want to seek independent legal advice or contact your trade union. Services such as Victoria Legal Aid or your nearest community legal centre can provide legal advice.

What services can be provided


Do I have to share my personal information?

How will my information be used?

Possible outcomes

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