WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE)
Connecting skilled job seekers with WISE employers.
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How WISE works
When someone with a work-related injury or illness is ready to return to work, they talk to their WorkSafe agent about using WISE and getting help from an occupational rehabilitation provider.
The occupational rehabilitation provider will give the person practical advice and support for finding a suitable new job. They will also give employers who are interested in WISE free advice and support for hiring someone.
The person or their occupational rehabilitation provider contact a potential new employer about an advertised job and give them information about the WISE program. The job must be for at least 8 hours a week and ongoing.
An employer can advertise for free on the WISE employment centre and still place an ad on other employment sites. Employers who use WISE receive tailored support to make sure they find the best person for their business.
The person applies for the job like anyone else, and the employer considers them like they do any other applicant. They interview them about their skills, qualifications and experience, and decide if they are the right fit for the workplace.
If the employer offers the person a job and they accept it, the occupational rehabilitation provider visits the workplace to make sure the person can do the job safely. The occupational rehabilitation provider will check with the person’s WorkSafe agent that WISE can be used for the job. If everything is OK, they’ll help the new employer fill in the WISE payment form, send the form to the person’s WorkSafe agent for processing, and the person can start work.
The new employer treats the WISE employee the same as they would any other employee performing that role, and has the same legal obligations toward them.
The occupational rehabilitation provider keeps in contact with the employee and employer for the first 13 weeks of the new job, and helps with any questions or problems. They also help employers submit the first WISE payment form. After 13 weeks, employers communicate directly with the employee’s WorkSafe agent.
WISE is paid directly to the new employer, in 3 installments over a 6-month period. The money contributes to their costs related to employment.
Register with WISE
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