What to do after you've been appointed as return to work coordinator

Being a return to work coordinator is a very important role for the success of an injured worker returning to work.


What is required to become a return to work coordinator?

Return to work coordinators need to have an appropriate level of seniority and competence to perform their role.

WorkSafe highly recommends that the nominated coordinators complete the two-day role of a return to work coordinator training course, developed and endorsed by WorkSafe.

This training may also be of value to line managers, supervisors and health and safety representatives. 

The course covers:

  • the return to work process and the role of the return to work coordinators
  • information that the return to work coordinators will need to support and assist employers and injured workers
  • information and underlying skills that will assist return to work coordinators to facilitate the successful return to work of injured workers

To ensure quality and consistency, WorkSafe has approved training providers to deliver the role of a return to work coordinator training.

If you're interested in becoming an approved training provider, you can apply directly to WorkSafe using the training provider application form.

Get further training

Certificate IV in Personal Injury Management (Return to Work)

Delivered by the Personal Injury Education Foundation (PIEF), Certificate IV in Personal Injury Management (Return to Work) is designed to provide the skills and knowledge to equip participants to:

  • return injured workers back to the workplace following an injury or illness
  • administer and manage workplace-based injury management programs

This program is designed for people who have an interest in or responsibility for, coordinating and facilitating injured workers with a safe and early return to work – a process that benefits both the worker and the employer.

Successfully completing this program will provide participants with a nationally recognised qualification in Return to Work, endorsed by the Commonwealth Government and all Australian state and territory governments.

More information