Shared supported accommodation: Register as a provider

Register as an shared supported accommodation service provider.

Register as a service provider


What WorkSafe will do

WorkSafe will review your application and notify you of the outcome in writing. If a discrepancy arises with your submission a WorkSafe representative will contact you directly.

If approval is given, a letter will be sent advising of when services may commence, along with advice of a provider number for invoicing purposes.

Note: Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via this registration process.

What you need to do

  • Complete the Provider Registration, Provider Registration Requirementsand the SSA Residence Registration forms
  • Provide documented current proof of:
    • a minimum of 2 years experience in attendant care
    • alignment with State or Commonwealth Government standards for disability services through:
      • membership with State or Commonwealth Government department or agency applicable for the jurisdiction, for the provision of like services; or
      • accreditation / certification against WorkSafe recognised quality assurance systems, including:
        • Attendant Care Industry Standard (ACIS)
        • Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Health & Community Services Standards
        • EQuIP
        • ISO 9001:2008
        • any other quality assurance system that the WorkSafe advises that they recognise
    • Provide written confirmation of:
      • their commitment to operating within a structured program. Information such as organisational philosophy of the provider, previous performance, links with employers, government agencies, hospitals, health practitioners, and references will be considered
      • resources to provide quality service delivery at all locations in which they intend to operate. This includes access and exit procedures and reliable contact and back-up to cater for individual attendant care needs
      • an adequate supervisory structure exists for service provision, case review and staff guidance and regular and relevant staff training
      • regular training of staff in relation to fire safety and evacuation procedures relevant to the care setting.
    • Ensure staff meet the minimum requirements to provide care which are demonstrated competency in areas relevant to the needs of clients/workers including:
      • CPR
      • anaphylaxis
      • first aid
      • manual lifting
      • food safety
      • infection control
    • Ensure staff complete a client/worker specific training program where required by the WorkSafe as a result of a client/worker's specialised support needs
    • Minimum of $5 million professional indemnity insurance coverage and a minimum of $5 million public liability insurance coverage with the initial application.

Shared supported accommodation residences

  • Residences must meet the following requirements:
    • Certificate of Occupancy or Essential Safety Measures Determination, (whichever is most current)specifying a minimum of Class 3 building as per the National Construction Code (NCC)
    • Annual Essential Safety Measures Report or Fire Safety Compliance Certificate.
  • WorkSafe injured workers will have access to:
    • a separate bedroom
    • a 'home-like' environment with furnishings, equipment and services appropriate to the individual's care and support needs
    • varied meal choices with high nutritional value
    • appropriate staffing to meet personal care needs of the individual
    • supervision and nursing care relevant to the needs of the individual
    • accommodation that is clean, hygienic and kept in good repair.

Registration can be maintained by the provider continuing to meet this registration criteria, the Provider Registration Requirements and any amendments to the criteria or requirements made by the WorkSafe. The WorkSafe reserve the right to audit providers to ensure compliance with all criteria and standards.

A provider number will be issued for invoicing purposes.