Security plan for storing High Consequence Dangerous Goods (HCDG)
Find out what is required for HCDG storage security plans for HCDG licence applications.
Find out what is required for HCDG storage security plans for HCDG licence applications.
A security management system is the combination of processes, plans and procedures in place to effectively manage the security risks associated with the activities involving HCDGs.
A storage security plan details how and authorised person will control the security risks associated with storing and any activities involving the HCDGs.
An authorised person in relation to a HCDG licence is:
A security management system and plan are required to prevent theft, loss, deliberate interference and unauthorised access for the entire life cycle of ammonium nitrate activities.
A storage security plan must be submitted to WorkSafe with a HCDG licence application.
A separate storage security plan is required for each storage site.
Your storage security plan must address each of the following points.