Safer cattle handling

Practical information to help keep cattle handlers safe.


Safety is a shared responsibility

As we know, primary producers and cattle service businesses regularly work together to improve herds and get cattle to market. There are many elements to cattle production, from animal nutrition and welfare to marketing. Often people working with cattle put themselves second to get the job done.

Developed with cattle industry stakeholders, our resources offer practical advice to keep your business running smoothly and efficiently with safety in mind so all those working with cattle can return home safely each day.

We would like to thank these organisations for their time, input and support:

  • Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association
  • Apiam Animal Health
  • Australian Herd Improvement Association
  • Livestock and Rural Transporters Association Victoria
  • Pro-Way Livestock Equipment
  • ClipEx Fencing and Stockyards
  • Agriculture Victoria
  • Meat and Livestock Australia
  • Victorian Farmers Federation

Gates and latches

Easy to use gates and latches can be the difference between life and death. Use this quick guide to check the safety of the gates and latches in your cattle yard.

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Cattle yards with even, well drained, non-slip surfaces help prevent falling and improve cattle flow. Use this quick guide to check the safety of your cattle yard surfaces.

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Yard maintenance

A well maintained cattle yard gives you a foundation for working with livestock safely. Use this quick guide to make sure your cattle yard is safe.

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Mustering is a dangerous activity. Make sure everyone on your farm who is mustering knows how to muster safely. Use this quick guide to check if you are mustering safely.

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Drafting is the process of separating cattle into smaller lots for management purposes. For example, separating calves from cows. Use this quick guide to check the safety of your drafting.

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A safe cattle crush increases efficiency and reduces the risk of injury. Use this quick guide to check the safety of your cattle crush.

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Livestock loading and unloading

Efficient livestock loading on your farm starts with planning for safety. Livestock loading is one of the most dangerous activities in the yards. Use this quick guide to check the safety of your livestock loading.

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The illustration shows an overhead view of an animal in the middle of a circular 'flight zone' noting the blind spot and optimal handler positions when moving cattle.

Cattle behaviour basics

Understanding cattle behaviour helps reduce the risk of cattle related injuries.

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Designing cattle yards for safety and efficiency

A cattle yard that is designed to keep people safe will also keep cattle calm and make drafting, loading and other tasks faster and easier.

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Safety responsibilities: Cattle farm owners

As a farm owner you have obligations to keep everyone on your farm safe.

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Safety responsibilities: Cattle service businesses

Understand how to keep safe while working on cattle farms.

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A checklist to assess the safety of cattle yards.

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