Return to Work Victoria

Information about Return to Work Victoria and the innovation programs to improve return to work outcomes.


Return to Work Victoria has been set up to find new ways to support workers and employers, and to help injured Victorians recover and get back to work safely.

Getting back to work after an injury can be hard, particularly for mental injuries. Only 40% of workers with a mental injury are back at work within six months. This is compared to 73% of workers with a physical injury.

Return to Work Victoria will support injured workers to reduce the adverse health and social impacts associated with being disconnected from work long term.

Getting workers back to work after an injury can be beneficial for a worker's health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

The sooner a worker returns to work, the better their chances are of returning to normal life. This can bring about financial independence, increased self-esteem, improved physical functioning, and better mental health. Returning to work is good for the worker, for the people they love, for businesses and for workplaces.

WorkSafe has committed $50 million to exploring new and innovative solutions to enhance return to work outcomes for Victorian workers and employers. To achieve this, the Return to Work Innovations unit will partner with external providers to create and trial new programs and initiatives.

Return to Work Innovations team

If you have any questions or would like to receive updates about Return to Work Innovation projects, you can email our team.

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