Published: 01 Apr 2001
Precast and tilt-up concrete for buildings: Industry standard
An industry standard to establish a safe working environment when using precast and tilt-up concrete for buildings.
File type: PDF
File size: 825.81 kB
Length: 88 pages
Reading level: Difficult
What it contains
This document explains the industry guidelines to establish a safe working environment when using precast and tilt-up concrete in construction. Use this document to plan safety when designing, manufacturing, transporting and building precast concrete and tilt-up concrete elements.
The document explains:
- what the industry guidelines are for using precast and tilt-up concrete
- how to train employees in health and safety, identify hazards, and when to notify WorkSafe about workplace injuries and deaths
- what to consider in the structural and building designs of precast concrete, including loads, element sizes, joints, connections, lateral restraints and tolerances
- how to plan for the build, including bracing, special provisions and certificates of compliance
- what to consider in manufacturing, including pre-planning, drawings, concrete placement, minimum strength for lifting, release agents and modifications
- how to safely handle and store precast of tilt-up concrete elements
- how to transport precast of tilt-up concrete elements
- what safety concerns to consider when building, including crane needs, operating near overhead power lines, fixing inserts, missing or unusable lifting inserts and temporary bracing
At the end of the document, there are examples of a design engineer’s and a manufacturer’s certificates of compliance.