Compliance code: Hazardous manual handling

This compliance code provides practical guidance on how to comply with your obligations under Victoria' occupational health and safety legislation to manage risks associated with hazardous manual handling.


What it contains

If your work involves risks associated with hazardous manual handling, there are specific duties and obligations you need to comply with under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) 2004 and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHS Regulations) 2017. This compliance code gives you practical guidance on how to comply with those duties and obligations.

This information is particularly relevant for you if you're an employer, a designer of buildings and structures, or a designer, manufacturer or supplier of plant to be used at a workplace. It uses examples and tools you can apply to your own situation.

It includes information on:

  • what hazardous manual handling is
  • who has duties associated with hazardous manual handling and what those duties are
  • how employers can identify work that involves hazardous manual handling
  • how employers can assess the risks
  • practical measures employers can use to control risks
  • how designers, manufacturers and suppliers can comply with their duties

It is recommended that you follow the compliance code. If you comply with a code, you are deemed to comply with the Act or Regulation duty covered by the code. However, codes are not mandatory and duty holders may choose to use some other way to achieve compliance.

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