Common Law Applications Hub: Frequently asked questions
A guide to users of WorkSafe's Common Law Applications Hub.
What it contains
The following information is intended as a guide to users of WorkSafe's Common Law Applications Hub. The questions, and information provided in response, will be improved and renewed over time and in light of experience and feedback.
Paragraph 8.6 of the Ministerial Directions for Damages Actions provides that, where WorkSafe gives notice that it will accept service of applications through an electronic communication, and where the published requirements of WorkSafe are complied with, the application will be taken to have been properly served in accordance with those directions.
WorkSafe's Common Law Applications Hub provides the facility for workers (via their solicitors) to serve common law applications on WorkSafe by an electronic means.
This document should be read in conjunction with WorkSafe's 'Requirements for electronic lodgement of applications in accordance with 8.6 of the Ministerial Directions' published on WorkSafe's Website.
In addition to the lodgement of common law applications, workers' solicitors are also able to use the Hub to provide copies of common law litigation (such as originating motions and damages writs) and statutory benefits to WorkSafe. For the purpose of this document, these are referred to as 'Non-Common Law Applications'.