Care OnLine user request form
Use this form to request access to the Care Online electronic payment system.
What it contains
Attendant Care providers must submit invoices to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) through Care Online, per their provider registration requirements. The Care Online system records clients' attendant care approvals and enables providers to view and invoice against those approvals each billing period.
Submitting this form
Email your completed form to the TAC at [email protected]. Your user details and a Care Online user guide will be emailed to you within 14 business days from the address [email protected].
For enquiries, or to notify the TAC if access to Care Online is no longer needed, please email [email protected].
The TAC will use this information to register your access to Care Online. The TAC won't disclose this information to anyone without your consent, unless required by law. Without this information you will not get access to Care Online. If you require further information about TAC's privacy policy, please call the TAC on 1300 654 329 or visit TAC's website.