Information about receiving superannuation contributions.
You may be entitled to superannuation (super) contributions after 52 weeks of weekly payments. You need to meet the following eligibility criteria.
You must:
have been injured on or after 5 April 2010
have received weekly payments for an aggregate of 52 weeks
still be receiving weekly payments
have not reached retirement age
not receive super from your employer.
Super entitlement
If you’re eligible, your agent will make super contributions. These will be at the super guarantee rate, based on your gross weekly payments. These contributions won’t change the amount of your weekly payments.
Your agent will organise payment into your super fund. You need to fill out a ‘Choice of superannuation fund’ form and send it to your agent. We’ve provided some guidance in the next section.
Your chosen super fund must be a complying super fund. You can check that it is using the ATO’s super fund look up.
Super contributions will cease either when your weekly payments cease or you reach retirement age, whichever is earliest.
How to nominate a super fund
Fill out a ‘Choice of superannuation fund’ form. Your agent will give you a copy of this form or you can find a link at the bottom of this page.
When completing the form, you need to do the following.
Nominate a complying super fund. This can be your current fund or you can nominate a new fund.
Provide your member number from the fund (if applicable).
Provide the fund’s Australian Business Number (ABN).
Provide the fund’s Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI).
Confirm that your nominated complying fund has been given your tax file number (TFN).
You can usually get this information from the following sources.
Looking at letters or emails from your superannuation fund.
Phoning your superannuation fund directly.
Contacting your employer.
Australian Taxation Office super fund lookup portal.
Provide timely information
You need to give the information to your agent within 3 months of your super entitlement date. If you hand it in late, you will get super contributions only from the date your form was received.
If you have returned to work
Super contributions will continue if you’ve returned to work as long as you still receive weekly payments and have not reached retirement age.
If your employer is paying super
Your agent will ask your employer if they have an obligation to pay your super after 52 weeks under a public sector superannuation scheme, law or industrial award. If your employer will be paying your super contributions, you will not be entitled to additional contributions from WorkSafe. This may change if your employer stops paying contributions.
Your agent will tell you if they will be paying your super contributions.
Changing your super fund
You can change your super fund once in any 12-month period.
If your nominated complying fund account becomes inactive or will not accept super contributions, you will need to nominate a new complying fund.
WorkSafe Victoria
WorkSafe Victoria
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