Psychology services guidelines

Guidelines for the provision of psychology services to workers.


About these guidelines

These guidelines are in line with the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (WIRC Act) and/or the Accident Compensation Act 1985. They aim to inform the provision of psychology services to workers who have an accepted claim for a mental injury or an entitlement to provisional payments.

Throughout these guidelines, any reference to WorkSafe's agents also includes self-insurers. Reference to psychologist(s) also includes clinical neuropsychologist(s), other than under the conditions for approval in 'Who can provide these services'.

Psychology services

Psychologists are qualified mental health professionals who have an understanding of mental and biological functions that drive behaviour. Psychologists:

  • assess and treat mental injury
  • assist people to develop self-management and relapse prevention skills
  • provide interventions to promote recovery
  • develop self-management and relapse prevention skills

Psychologists can provide services, together with other health professionals, to plan and manage treatment. A treatment plan will consider a person's lifestyle, activities and general health.

WorkSafe's goal is to provide the support a person needs to recover quickly and effectively so they can return to normal life and work. WorkSafe can fund psychology services to assist workers to recover from workplace injuries and safely return to work.

What we can pay for

WorkSafe can pay the reasonable costs of psychology services required by workers who have an accepted claim for a mental injury or an entitlement to provisional payments, under the following conditions.

  • The psychologist is approved by WorkSafe to provide services.
  • A medical practitioner provides a referral for the treatment.
  • The treatment is clinically justified, safe and effective.
  • The treatment promotes progress towards a person's functional independence, participation and self-management.
  • The psychologist conducts any telehealth services in line with our Telehealth policy.
  • The treatment is delivered in line with the Clinical framework for the delivery of health services (the Clinical framework).

What we will not pay for

WorkSafe will not pay for any costs relating to the following circumstances.

  • Services provided by a provider not approved by WorkSafe to provide the services.
  • Services provided outside the Commonwealth of Australia unless approval of WorkSafe, an agent or the employer is obtained before the service is provided (except in some emergency situations).
  • More than one psychology or neuropsychology service (face-to-face or telehealth) occurring on the same day. We make an exception for group psychology sessions.
  • More than one allied health service on the same day by the same provider.
  • Non-attendance or cancellation of appointments.
  • Telephone conversations that are not included in the Psychology services fee schedule (except for telehealth services).
  • Telehealth services not provided in line with our Telehealth policy.
  • Any services, diagnostic testing or reports not covered by the fee schedule (unless there is prior approval from the agent).
  • Services over 60 minutes (other than where approved by WorkSafe in line with the exceptions listed in "Services over 60 minutes" in Claims Manual 4.5.39 Psychology).
  • Costs of accessing e-therapy or telehealth treatment such as the costs of, or associated with, using a computer, telephone, tablet, software or the internet.

How much we can pay

Our Psychology services fee schedule outlines how much we will pay for psychology services. If there is a difference between what a provider charges and what we will pay, we recommend the psychologist inform the worker that there may be other providers who don't charge out of pocket expenses.

Who can provide these services

We will only fund services provided to workers by psychologists who meet the following conditions.

  • Are approved by WorkSafe to provide psychology services.
  • Hold general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia in conjunction with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Are able to provide evidence of current professional indemnity insurance coverage of at least $2 million.

WorkSafe will only pay for services provided to workers by clinical neuropsychologists who meet the following conditions.

  • Are approved by WorkSafe to provide neuropsychology services.
  • Hold general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia in conjunction with the AHPRA.
  • Are able to provide evidence that they have an accredited qualification in clinical neuropsychology with endorsement as a clinical neuropsychologist.
  • Are able to provide evidence of current professional indemnity insurance coverage of at least $2 million.

We cannot fund provisional psychologists to provide services.

Accessing services

WorkSafe can only fund psychology services if a medical practitioner provides a referral for the services. We do not allow psychologists to provide referrals to other health services.

Service delivery expectations

WorkSafe expects that all providers delivering psychology services to workers as part of the Victorian Workers' Compensation Scheme follow the below principles.

  • Provide culturally safe and respectful services.
  • Protect the worker's human rights and report any concerns of abuse, neglect or discrimination to WorkSafe.
  • Support the worker to maximise their independence, recover, and promote their self-advocacy.

Clinical framework for the delivery of health services

WorkSafe expects psychologists to follow the Clinical framework, which outlines 5 guiding principles for the delivery of treatments.

  1. Measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Adopt a biopsychosocial approach.
  3. Empower the injured person to manage their injury.
  4. Implement goals focused on optimising function, participation and return to work.
  5. Base treatment on the best available research evidence.

These principles help providers to make sure workers receive the most appropriate care available and understand the purpose of their treatment.

Reporting and engagement expectations

WorkSafe expects psychologists to communicate, collaborate and provide information to us and our agents as required.

Where consent is obtained from the worker, we also expect psychologists to consult, cooperate and exchange information with the following parties.

  • Other treating practitioners or providers (such as GPs), to enable the most appropriate treatment.
  • Occupational rehabilitation providers, treating practitioners or providers (such as GPs), and employers in relation to return to work.

WorkSafe expects psychologists to submit the following forms to the agent to meet service expectations.

WorkSafe also expects psychologists to use the following methods to engage with the agent and other treating providers to meet service expectations

Compliance and suspension of services

WorkSafe expects psychologists to comply with the requirements set out in these guidelines and in the Application for registration to provide services to workers. If a psychologist does not meet these requirements or WorkSafe has concerns about their conduct or services, action in accordance with the legislation may be taken.

Further information