Procurement at WorkSafe – Supply to us

Information about WorkSafe's forward procurement plan, social procurement strategy, supplier code of conduct and complaints process.



Procurement is the end-to-end process that governs the sourcing, contract management and day-to-day purchasing of goods and/or services on behalf of WorkSafe. You may have heard these functions referred to as 'Supply', 'Purchasing' or 'Supply Chain Management' but at WorkSafe this is known as Procurement.

At WorkSafe we are committed to reducing workplace harm and improving outcomes for injured workers. To achieve these outcomes, Procurement strives to attain value for money when we purchase goods and services and to use our buying power to provide benefits for the greater Victorian community.

Forward procurement plan

For an overview of our planned procurement activities over the next 12-18 months, please view our forward procurement plan.

You can also view contracts which have been recently awarded by WorkSafe on the Buying for Victoria tenders portal (formerly TendersVIC).

Social procurement strategy

As a Victorian Government buyer we are committed to working with small businesses, and sustainable, social and local enterprises.

The Victorian Government social procurement framework sets the following objectives for social procurement:

  • opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
  • opportunities for Victorians with disability
  • women's equality and safety
  • opportunities for disadvantaged Victorians
  • supporting safe and fair workplaces
  • sustainable Victorian social enterprises and Aboriginal businesses
  • sustainable Victorian regions
  • environmentally sustainable outputs
  • environmentally sustainable business practices

Whilst we are committed to all ten objectives outlined in the Victorian Government social procurement framework, focus areas for WorkSafe are as follows:

Supporting safe and fair workplaces

Purchasing from suppliers that comply with occupational health and safety laws, industrial relations laws and promoting secure employment.

Sustainable Victorian social enterprise, disability enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors

Purchasing from Victorian social enterprises, disability enterprise and/or Aboriginal businesses.

For more information on how to work with WorkSafe as a social enterprise, please contact [email protected]

Regional and local procurement

Purchasing from, and utilising, regional and local suppliers in WorkSafe's regional office locations (eg Geelong and / or South West Region).

Environmentally sustainable business practices

Purchasing from, and utilising organisations that have appropriate environmentally sustainability business practices in place.

Supplier code of conduct and engagement

WorkSafe suppliers must demonstrate at all times the highest level of integrity and ensure that their employees, workers, representatives, suppliers and subcontractors comply with the standards set out in the Victorian Government supplier code of conduct.

Provide feedback and complaints

We value your feedback and manage all complaints in a fair and consistent manner in accordance with the procurement complaints management process.

To lodge a complaint regarding a WorkSafe procurement process, complete the procurement complaints form and email to [email protected]

For other types of complaints, please refer to WorkSafe general complaints:

Contact us

For information about our procurement processes and supplier debriefings, please contact procurement at [email protected]