Non-slewing telehandler licence

A licence to operate non-slewing telehandlers with a rated capacity of more than 3 tonnes.


Introducing a new non-slewing telehandler licence

Non-slewing telehandlers are used across many industries, including agriculture, construction and warehousing.

Non-slewing telehandlers are a high risk plant that require skills and expertise to operate safely. They also pose significant safety risks to people who use and interact with them.

The existing mobile crane licence training covers skills and knowledge for the safe operation of a non-slewing crane that are transferrable to a non-slewing telehandler. A key focus of the mobile crane training is around the risks of lifting freely suspended loads on a fixed or running hook, which can be done with a non-slewing telehandler by using a hook and jib attachment.

The new licence means people can complete tailored training and get a high risk work licence (HRWL) specific to non-slewing telehandlers with a rated capacity of more than 3 tonnes that are fitted with a range of attachments.

Please note, people who use non-slewing telehandlers with a rated capacity of 3 tonnes or less should be trained and competent in the use of the equipment, but do not need a licence.

The new licence is currently available. 
People can do the following:

  1. Complete specific training for non-slewing telehandlers at an authorised Registered Training Organisation (RTO), such as TAFE.
  2. Pass the assessment.
  3. Apply for the non-slewing telehandler specific licence.
  4. Renew the licence every 5 years.