Impairment benefit protocols fee schedule
View current and past impairment benefit protocols fee schedules.
Maximum fees listed in this fee schedule are exclusive of GST. If GST is applicable, WorkSafe Victoria will pay the GST component in addition to the maximum fee. Providers should provide a tax invoice where amounts are subject to GST. For queries regarding whether the services you provide to an injured worker are taxable (that is, subject to GST) please contact the Australian Taxation Office and/or your tax advisor.
Payment of legal fees
The IB Protocols were implemented on 1 March 2002, which included a fee structure.
The payment of IB Protocol fees are subject to:
- agent request for the provision of treating doctor information from the workers legal representative
- provision of treating doctor information prior to the impairment assessment
- completion and submission of a Solicitor Inquiry Form with the Worker's claim for impairment benefits form*
- establishment of the injured workers entitlement to impairment benefits
- submission of only one itemised bill per claim at the end of the process, which is signified by the acceptance of the Notice of Entitlement
Fees are not payable on claims resolved solely for hearing loss.
* Note the Worker's claim for impairment benefits form must be given or served on the Employer, or lodged with WorkSafe in accordance with the Victorian Workers Compensation Legislation. A copy of the claim form, together with the Solicitor Inquiry Form may be sent to the Authorised Agent as notification of the worker's intention to claim.
Table of fees applicable between 1 March 2002 and 31 January 2008
Activity | Fee |
Collection and submission of all treating doctor reports | $300 |
Completion and submission of Solicitor Injury Form | $150 |
Provision of advice to injured worker regarding common law election | $250 |
On 1 February 2008 the fee structure within The IB Protocols was reviewed and adjusted to reflect legislative changes to the Impairment Benefits claim process and to provide incentive payments to Legal representatives for improved benefit delivery to workers.
The following table of fees was applicable to all:
- worker's response forms received by the Agent between 1 February 2008 and 31 January 2009 accepting the initial Notice of Entitlement; or
- Medical Panel opinions dated between 1 February 2008 and 31 January 2009
IB impairment percentage | Fee base | Additional fee if accepted response within 60 days of NOE* | Additional fee if accepted response within 30 days of NOE* | Additional fee for Medical Panel referral which results in a greater NOE* |
< 30% / compensation under the No Disadvantage table | $700 | $50 increase [$750] | $200 increase [$900] | $300 increase [$1,000] |
> than or = to 30% | $920 | $50 increase [$970] | $200 increase [$1,120] | $300 increase [$1,220] |
NOE*: Notice of Entitlement
- There is only one additional fee payable.
- If a matter is referred to the Medical Panel and the monetary entitlement defined within the initial NOE is less than or equal to the monetary entitlement within the Medical Panels NOE, no additional fee is payable.
- These fees will be indexed annually.
- All amounts are GST inclusive.
- WorkSafe will apply an allowance of 3 days to cover mailing of the Notice of Entitlement.
In accordance with the re-structured fee schedule the IB Protocol fees are indexed annually. The following table displays the 1 February 2020 fee together with the indexed fees, effective 1 February 2021.
The indexed fees are applicable to all:
- worker's response forms received by the Agent on or after 1 February 2021 accepting the initial Notice of Entitlement; or
- Medical Panel opinions dated on or after 1 February 2021.
Impairment benefits protocols fees
Pursuant to section 5.2 of the Impairment Protocol document.
Item number (Click to sort descending) | Fee Description (Click to clear sorting) | Fee effective date# 1 Feb 2024 (Click to clear sorting) | Fee effective date# 1 Feb 2025 (Click to clear sorting) |
2933 | < 30%/ compensation under the No Disadvantage table Workers response received by agent > 33 days and < 64 days after date of NOE | $1080 | $1120 |
2934 | < 30%/ compensation under the No Disadvantage table Workers response received by agent < 34 days after date of NOE | $1270 | $1320 |
2963 | < 30%/ compensation under the No Disadvantage table Workers response received by agent > 63 days after date of NOE | $1000 | $1040 |
3033 | ≥ 30% Workers response received by agent > 33 days and < 64 days after date of NOE | $1380 | $1430 |
3034 | ≥ 30% Workers response received by agent < 34 days after date of NOE | $1620 | $1680 |
3063 | ≥ 30% Workers response received by agent > 63 days after date of NOE | $1310 | $1360 |
MP29 | < 30%/ compensation under the No Disadvantage table Medical Panel entitlement > NOE | $1410 | $1460 |
MP30 | ≥ 30% Medical Panel entitlement > NOE | $1740 | $1810 |
MPNIL | Medical Panel entitlement ≤ NOE | $1000 | $1040 |
#The indexed Impairment Protocol fees apply to all:
- Worker's response forms received by the Agent on or after the Fee Effective Date, accepting the initial Notice of Entitlement; or
- Medical Panel opinions dated on or after the Fee Effective Date
Note: payment of the Impairment Protocol fees is subject to all conditions and requirements as specified within the Impairment Protocol document, re-released 1 February 2008. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of a Solicitor Enquiry Form, all treating medical practitioner reports and/or records at the request of the Agent and prior to the workers attendance at the independent impairment assessment.
GST: all Impairment Protocol fees are inclusive of GST.
Invoicing requirements
To enable the prompt process of fees, please ensure invoices are itemised and quoting:
- "Payment Type 239" and the relevant "Item Number xxxx"
- WorkSafe practice ID "Lxxx" and/or provider number if possible
WorkSafe contact
Impairment Benefits Team
WorkSafe Victoria
Ph: 4243 8300
Email: [email protected]
Claims contact
For claims specific enquiries please contact the relevant Authorised Agent.