Immediate financial support

In certain circumstances, a WorkSafe agent may make early payments to you before a claim for compensation has been made. Below is a package of financial support that may be available.

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Immediate financial support following a work-related death

We understand that you may not be ready to lodge a claim immediately after the death has occurred. As a claim can take some time for it to be determined, we have immediate support packages available to offer you financial assistance and support while you wait for your claim to be processed. We're here to assist and support you where possible throughout this difficult time.

The immediate support package may be offered when

  • the cause of death of your family member was related to work duties or employment
  • your family member was determined to be a 'worker' under the Victorian workers' compensation legislation at the time of death. This legislation is called the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013

The immediate support package will not be offered in cases where the cause of death was a heart attack or stroke injury, disease, suicide or is unknown.

Immediate support payments that may be paid

Depending on your circumstances, the following payments may be available:

  • reasonable costs of medical and like services for the worker (such as ambulance, hospital, medical treatment) up to $9,840*
  • funeral costs up to $15,230 and repatriation costs, if required, up to $15,000
  • counselling for immediate family members by a medical practitioner, registered psychologist or a social worker (approved by WorkSafe) up to $6,990* to be shared between all immediate family members
  • a weekly pension to the worker's partner for a period of 12 weeks from the date of the worker's death
  • reasonable travel and accommodation costs of up to $5,520* to be shared between immediate family members to attend a funeral service which is held more than 100km away

*The amounts provided apply to deaths that occur on or after 1 July 2022. For amounts prior to this date, please contact the WorkSafe agent or call WorkSafe's Advisory service.

How I can receive an immediate support payment?

You do not need to apply for this or fill out any forms.

A WorkSafe agent will gather the required information from you and others (such as the employer of your family member) in order to consider making a payment.

If you are eligible for the payments, the WorkSafe agent will be in contact with you to make arrangements for payment.

If a weekly pension is to be paid, the WorkSafe agent will ask you to complete a Tax File Number Declaration Form and an Electronic Funds Transfer form.

Information and support you might need

WorkSafe Advisory

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options

Effects of an immediate support payment on a compensation claim

The WorkSafe agent's decision to make or not make an immediate support payment to you will not determine your entitlement to compensation. You should still complete a claim for compensation following a work-related death so that your entitlement to compensation can be assessed and determined in the usual way. If you received a weekly pension under the immediate support package, the 12 week period will not be paid again if your claim for compensation is accepted.

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