Hospitality: Safety basics
Understand the common hazards and risks in hospitality work, and ways to make work safer.
Understand the common hazards and risks in hospitality work, and ways to make work safer.
Our tools and guides can be used to assess and control the specific risks in your workplace.
Hospitality employs people in places like hotels, restaurants, pubs and clubs. It’s an industry with high staff turnover, and people often work part time, late nights and weekends. Many in this industry are young and inexperienced. Some people may not speak much English. This makes it all the more important to make sure your workplace is safe.
Involving your employees in health and safety issues can result in a safer workplace. That's why consultation is an important part of risk management. In certain situations employers must consult about health and safety issues with employees and health and safety representatives (HSRs) if they have them.
Under Victorian occupational health and safety law, there are specific duties to ensure health and safety in workplaces.
Examples of employer duties:
Examples of employee duties: