These are the most common injuries and hazards for people working in agriculture, as shown by injury claims. The agriculture sector includes arable and livestock farming, horticulture and nurseries.
Tractor towing on steep slopes
Simon Craig is a former consulting agronomist and now manages Lemac Farm, a broadacre grain and sheep farm in Kooloonong, Victoria. As part of our 'It's never you, until it is' campaign, Simon shares how a farm safety culture helps drive an efficient and successful business.
Simon Craig - Chemicals
Simon Craig - Fatigue
These are the most common injuries and hazards for people working in agriculture, as shown by injury claims. The agriculture sector includes arable and livestock farming, horticulture and nurseries.
Employers must display an 'if you are injured at work' poster in every workplace. You can download and print a poster in English as well as Arabic, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.