What happens if I don’t agree with a decision about my WorkCover claim?
Making the right decisions is important to us. We want to make sure we're offering the right support, services and payments to every injured worker.
To do that, your WorkSafe agent carefully considers all the information provided by you, your employer and your healthcare provider. Then they're guided by the relevant legislation and WorkSafe's policies and procedures which set out what can be paid for and any conditions that apply.
If you feel the right decision hasn't been made about your claim, you can ask for a review of the decision.
Getting help and advice before requesting an independent review
- Your WorkSafe agent
Call, email or write to your WorkSafe agent asking them to review their decision.
- Your employer
Talk to your employer about how they can help
- Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS)
This free, independent service can help resolve your concerns without a solicitor or going to court.
Once you lodge a dispute about the decision, the ACCS will work with everyone involved to resolve it with a process that's fair, informal and quick.
For more information or to get a Request for Conciliation form, call the ACCS on freecall 1800 635 960 or visit conciliation.vic.gov.au
All requests need to be lodged within 60 days of receiving the decision letter.
- Your solicitor
If the ACCS process doesn’t resolve your concerns, you can ask your solicitor for advice about further options, including going to court.
If you don't have a solicitor, you can contact the Law Institute of Victoria's legal referral service for advice on (03) 9607 9550.
- Union Assist
This free and independent service is operated by the Victorian Trades Hall Council and offers support, guidance and advice.
Union Assist can work with your union to provide advice about your WorkCover claim. They can also provide expert advisers to help you through the ACCS resolution process.
Call Union Assist on (03) 9639 6144.
- WorkCover Assist
This free service is provided by WorkSafe and offers guidance, support and help to simplify the ACCS resolution process for you.
You can nominate WorkCover Assist as part of your ACCS process on your Request for Conciliation form, or call (03) 9941 0537.
- Your union
Call your union and ask for guidance. Here are phone numbers for unions operating in Victoria.
Ambulance Employees Australia - (03) 9235 7675
Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA) - (03) 9695 8807
Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union (AMIEU) - (03) 9662 3766
Australian Education Union Victorian Branch (AEUVB) - (03) 9417 2822
Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers - (AIMPE) (03) 9690 0506
Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association - (ALAEA) (03) 9691 7103
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) - (03) 9230 5700
Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) - (03) 9275 9333
Australian Principals Federation (APF) - (03) 8566 7627
Australian Services Union (ASU)
- Victorian Authorities & Services Branch 1300 855 570
- Victorian Private Sector Branch (03) 9320 6700
Australian Workers Union (AWU) - 1300 362 298
Blind Workers Union of Victoria (BWU of V) - (03) 8378 1205
Civil Air Operations (CAOOAA) - (03) 9647 9100
Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (CEPU)
- Communications Workers Union (CWU) - (03) 9349 2100
- Electrical Trades Union (ETU) - (03) 8329 0000
- Plumbing Trades Employees Union (PTEU) - (03) 9662 3388
Community and Public Sector Union
- PSU Group - 1800 137 636
- State Public Services Federation (CPSU/SPSF) - (03) 9639 1822
Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union (CFMEU)
- Construction & General Division - (03) 9341 3444
- Forestry & Furnishing Products Division (FFPD), including Victorian Forestry District, and Pulp & Paper Workers' District - (03) 9274 9200
- Mining & Energy Division - (03) 5134 3311
Finance Sector Union of Australia (FSU) - 1300 366 378
Flight Attendants Association of Australia (FAAA) - 1800 733 222
Health Services Union (HSU) Victoria
- No 1 Branch - 1800 331 974
- No 3 Branch - Health Professionals - (03) 9341 3390
- No 4 Branch – including Association of Hospital Pharmacists (AHP), Medical Scientists Association of Victoria (MSAV), and Victorian Psychologists Association Incorporated (VPA) - (03) 9623 9623
Independent Education Union (IEU) - (03) 9254 1860
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) - (03) 9329 5477
Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) - 1300 656 512
National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) - (03) 9254 1930
National Union of Workers (NUW) - (03) 9287 1777
The Police Association of Victoria (TPAV) - (03) 9468 2600
Professional Footballers Association (PFA) - (03) 9287 1888
Rail, Tram & Bus Union (RTBU) - (03) 9600 3030
Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (SDA) - (03) 9698 1400
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) - (03) 96392955
Transport Workers Union of Australia (TWU) - 1300 727 614
United Firefighters Union (UFU) - (03) 9419 8811
United Voice - (03) 9235 7777