Incident animations

An animation series puts the spotlight on lessons learnt through case studies.


Insights that could save lives

As Victoria's health and safety regulator, WorkSafe undertakes investigations into workplace incidents. Using the findings from investigations, these incident videos educate the industry about the dangers of high-risk work. The animations recreate a real workplace incident to share the lessons learned and prevent recurrence.

Falling objects

With working at heights creating a significant risk to safety on site, this animation shares lessons learnt from a recent incident involving a falling object.

Falling objects

Falls from height

This animation breaks down a fall from height incident, examines the causes and the measures that can be put in place to avoid similar incidents from happening in the future.

Fall prevention

WorkSafe Advisory

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options