Application for weekly payments after the second entitlement period

In certain circumstances, you may have an ongoing entitlement after this period.


About the second entitlement period

Under the relevant workers compensation legislation, you must meet certain conditions to continue receiving weekly payments after 130 weeks (the second entitlement period). The second entitlement period is the period of 117 weeks that weekly payments are paid or payable, following the first 13 weeks that you've received weekly payments for (first entitlement period).

The main criteria you have to meet for weekly payments to continue after the second entitlement period are:

  • that because of your injury, you have no current work capacity which is likely to continue indefinitely
  • if your claim reached 130 weeks of weekly payments on or after 31 March 2024, your whole person impairment has been assessed as 21% or more

However, if you've been advised in writing that you do not meet the main criteria, weekly payments can still be paid after the second entitlement in some circumstances. You could be entitled to:

  • part of your rate because you have returned to some work
  • your full rate for a limited period following surgery, because you are temporarily unable to work
  • your full rate and ongoing following surgery, because you cannot return to any work indefinitely

You can apply for weekly payments in these scenarios, if you meet all the criteria.

1. You've returned to work

You may be eligible for weekly payments if you have returned to work.

To be eligible for weekly payments, you must meet all of the following criteria.

  • You received weekly payments for your injury until the expiry of the second entitlement period (104 or 130 weeks, depending on your date of injury).
  • If your claim reached 130 weeks of weekly payments on or after 31 March 2024 your whole person impairment has been assessed as 21% or more.
  • You have returned to work, working at least 15 hours a week and earning at least $228* (excluding GST) a week.
  • Your work related injury or illness means it's unlikely you'll be able to earn more from further or additional employment in the foreseeable future.

*As at 1 July 2023 - indexed annually.

If you meet all of the criteria, you can apply for partial weekly payments using the link below.

If you need any help with the application, contact your case manager or WorkSafe Advisory.

2. You're incapacitated due to surgery

Depending on your circumstances, you might be eligible to receive either limited or ongoing weekly payments following surgery. To apply for these payments, you have to meet the eligibility criteria set out below.

If you need any help with the application, contact your case manager or WorkSafe Advisory.

WorkSafe Advisory

WorkSafe's advisory service is available between 7:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. If you need more support, you can also contact WorkSafe using the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) or the National Relay Service.

1800 136 089 More contact options